How To Treat Blackhead and Acne

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Blackhead acne is a skin condition whereby a small black dot appears on the acne. Blackhead is usually more common on the face. Acne is caused by the action of hormones on the sebaceous or oil glands of the skin and this results in oily skin. The skin's pores become stretched and clogged with the sebum which is a sticky substance. When the pores are opened and become hard plugs, the oil oxidises and it becomes black. Blackhead acne can give a non-desirable look when there are too many and this is why some people want to get rid of it.If you don't remove it properly, you can irritate your skin and cause infection or inflammation and even leave scars.

How To Treat Blackhead and Acne

How To Treat Blackhead and Acne

Some people like to pinch and remove the blackhead but it's not recommended to use your fingers and nails. A blackhead remover which can be used by a beautician is the recommended way but you also have the alternative to let the blackhead like it is and follow a treatment for your acne.

With time, the blackhead will disappear by itself and it will drop off. It's important to keep your skin clean everyday and give proper remedy to your blackhead acne. And when your skin is oily, it attracts more external pollutants which can worsen your acne. So proper care to your skin is required. By using natural products like aloe vera cream, green tea acne cream and dried green tea leaves, you can give your blackhead acne a proper treatment at home.

Blackhead acne can just be a temporary phase in your life but you have to do something about it. One thing you should know is if you cure your acne, the blackhead will vanish naturally. I remember having blackheads in my teenage years and I followed the dried green tea leaves method which worked for me after a regular and consistent acne treatment. 
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