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Body not only need food as needed but also sleep is very important for our body. Sleep is natural activity in daily life. Sleep make our body feel fresh and enjoyed. Besided that, give many advantages such as mood booster.
Everybody have diffrent time of sleep, for adult they are need 7-8 hour sleep of a day to refresh body and minds. Some of us still do not realize the importance of sleep,
here some benefits of sleep for healthy
1. Boost memory.
When we wake up our brain is very busy. But when we sleep our brain work as renew our memories and practice what we do when we are wake, this process called consolidation. If you are try to learning something will improved when we sleep.
2. Live longer.
Too much or too less sleep influence our age, although the cause and the effect is unknown. A study reported that women who had 50-79 years, dead more happen to women who less of sleep 5hour of a night.
3. Influence life quality.
Many people underestimate the important of sleep. But do you realized that people who enough sleep their life quality better than who doesn't.
4. Prevent inflamation.
A study showed that people who less of sleep have high of protein inflamaton on blood. In 2010 found that c-reaktif protein, relation with heart attack risk, higher than people have enough time sleep 6 hour or more. People who have problem with insomnia able to increase blood pressure and inflamation.
5. Increase creativity.
The research in Harvard University and Boston College found that when we are sleep able to increased emmotional memories which help to improve your creativity.
6. Increase your study.
Child has 10-16 years old who had problem with sleep disorder, snore, sleep apnea, etc have the problem with their lesson.
7. Low of stress.
Sleep able to reduce stress levels and control blood pressure better. Even, sleep have low of cholesterol levels play important role of heart disease.
Sometimes we disregard the immense benefit whike sleeping in it. So, let's start a healthy lifestyle with better sleep.
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