The Wonderful benefits from breastfeeding

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Mother milk is the best food for baby than other food. Breastfeeding not only have thousand benefits for the baby but also for mom. As fast you give breastfeeding it is good for you. Usually, breastfeeding exclusive doing among 0-6 first month, than will continue until 12-24 month. As long as you do breastfeeding it will good for your health.
The Wonderful benefits from breastfeeding

Between the benefits of breastfeeding for the moms, here the main point for our information;

1. Stop the bleeding
Breastfeeding soon to the baby can stop the bleeding after give birth. Breastfeeding after give birth can encourage uterine contractions and stop the bleeding. It can restore the uterus to its original place.

2. Weight loss
If you had problem with weigh gain before, breastfeeding can  help you to weight loss. When we do breastfeefing it mean same burn 200-500 chalories a day. The same amount chalories if we do swimming or cycling one hour.

3. Reduce the risk of uterine cancer and breast cancer.
Breastfeeding able to reduce the risk of breast cancer until 20%. Some of studies also showed that breastfeeding help to reduce the risk of uterine cancer and ovarian cancer.

4. As a natural contraceptive.
Breastfeeding exclusively can serve as a contraceptive, although just for four month after give birth. Babi's sucking at the breast stimulates hormone prolactin. Hormone prolactin can inhibit egg cell maturation thus delaying fertility.

5. The expression of love.
Breastfeeding also as the real expression of mother's love. Inner relationship between mother and baby during breastfeeding intertwined.

Besides for the mother, breastfeeding give advantages for the babies. Here some benefits of breastfeeding for baby;
1. Help to prevent constipation.
Breast milk is easily digested by the baby's body and prevent constipation due to lack of flluid.
2. Reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes.
Breast milk able to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes type two in the future.
3. Reduce the risk of infections.
The other benefits from milk breast is reduce the risk of several infection to a baby, such as infection of the ear, respiratory and digestive.
4. Helps prevent allergies and asthma.
Baby's immune system created by the milk breast able to prevent allergies snd asthma.
5. Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ( SIDS) .
SIDS sometimes occurs in infants under one year. Breastfeeding exclusively able to help the risk os SIDS.
6. Helps to reduce tooth decay.
Breast milk is better than milk formula containef sugar, so that reduce the tooth decay.
7. Baby smarter.
Study showed that babies who drink breast milk regulary in 6 months generally smarter because it has a good brain development.

So, moms don't worry breastfeeding to your babies. Besides good for your health, good for babies too. 
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