Keep your skin look younger

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Keep your skin look younger - Everyone, especially for a women have a good skin and looking young is a duty. They will do anything to get skin looking young naturally. Facial, scrubing, even plastic surgery. Actually, what we eat can make your skin looking good.

1. Up your vitamin C intake
A study published in the American Journal of Nutrition found women over 40 with the highest amount of vitamin C in their diet were less likely to develop wrinkles than those who consumed lower levels. “Vitamin C is crucial to the formation of collagen - without it amino acids can’t be linked to form the protein,” says dietitian Jo Travers. Skincare that contains vitamin C is also thought to encourage collagen repair (it’s usually listed on the label as L-Ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate or ascorbyl phosphate).
Keep your skin look younger

2. Stop smoking
If you are smokers may be this point make you have to hard thingking. Stop smoking can help you to have good skin, it cause moking creates enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) which damage the collagen in your skin.

3.Stay sun safe
Sun exposure is a prime suspect for hastening collagen loss. “UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin and damage the deep collagen support structures there,” says Dr Lowe.
“My advice would be to wear an SPF15 broad spectrum cream (one that protects against UVA and UVB rays) through the year.”

4. Reach for retinol
Retinoid creams – only available on prescription –have been proven to help boost collagen production. Retinoids reduce substances in the skin that break down collagen after sun exposure and also target receptors in the skin which increase the production of collagen.
You can get your hands on milder forms of retinoid in over-the-counter retinol creams.

5. Cut back on the sweet stuff
If you are sweeters, less your sugar is the next step for have good skin. According to Dr Patricia Farris, co-author of The Sugar Detox: Lose Weight, Feel Great and Look Years Younger eating too much sugar can be a beauty disaster. It causes premature ageing of the skin by a process called glycation. This is where excess sugar in the blood attaches itself to lipids, nucleic acids and.proteins (especially your collagen) to form “advanced glycation end products” or AGEs, which accelerate the ageing process and so cause wrinkly skin.

Exfoliation – removing the top, dead layer of skin – helps speed up the natural process of skin and collagen renewal. One of kind of exfoliate is with chemical exfoliants such as glycolic acid and lactic acid. They dissolve the glue-like substance that bonds dead skin to the surface rather than sloughing it away like scrubs do, and give a more even result, leaving skin looking healthier and more radiant.

7.Add antioxidants to your skincare regime
Antioxidants help protect against free radicals that can cause ageing skin. The term ‘free radical’ describes a damaged skin cell. Free radicals attach themselves to healthy skin cells and basically suck out the electrons they need, leaving healthy skin cells . Antioxidants help by neutralising the free radical so that it doesn’t have to feed off our healthy skin cells.
Sip on green tea, it contains antioxidants called catechins – and eat foods high in lutein, an antioxidant found in green leafy veg like spinach. Look for creams and serums containing antioxidants too.

8. Plants contain esterogen
The menopause can make us wrinkly because, as we age, our oestrogen levels drop. Because vital to making healthy collagen, creases and crinkles can creep in to our skin.
Lots of foods contain plant oestrogens (phytoestrogens) that can help replace the effects of lost oestrogen. Try hummus, nuts, soy and pinto beans. Look for face creams containing phytoestrogens.

9. Massage
Massaging your face daily will help boost the production of collagen, give skin a more plump appearance and help stimulate the lymph glands to promote clear skin. With the massage can help blood circulation.

Health lifestyle is more  important to keep your skin looking young naturaly.
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