The impact of caffeine for woman health

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The impact of caffeine for woman health, Almost all people like coffee, as well was women. As we know one of coffee contains is caffeine. Caffeine is most prevalently found in the cherries of coffee plants, in leaves of tea bushes, in the kola nuts, in yerba mate, in cocoa plants, in certain species of beans. Most of our caffeine intake and we take in quite a bit of it, is through the consumption of coffee, tea, cocoa, soft drinks as well as sports and energy drinks.
The impact of caffeine for woman health

Beside have economics value, caffeine have several impact for women's health. The first impact caffeine for female sex hormones of childbearing age women. Approximately forty percent of women of childbearing age experience at least some symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome (PMS) which includes breast swelling and tenderness, bloating and weight gain, abdominal cramps and headaches, irritability and depression fatigue and anxiety. With reduce consumptions of caffeine has helped relieve some of the symptoms especially the nervous irritability and breast sensitively. 

For pregnant women caffeine is stimulant and a diuretic, it increases your blood pressure and heart rate, both of which are not recommended during pregnancy. Than, caffeine also increases the frequency of urination and caused reduction in your body and can lead dehydration. 

Moreover, caffeine crosses the placenta to your baby. Any amount of caffeine can also cause changes in your baby's sleep pattern or normal movement pattern in the later stage of pragnancy.

The other impact is become adrenal Imbalance. Caffeine may mask an adrenal imbalance that prevents restful sleep, which makes it harder for woman to wake up. Caffeine itself may not be the cause of adrenal fatigue, excess caffeine can cause nody changes that stress the adrenal glands and also affect their abilty to maintance sex hormones levels as women transition into menopause.

Beside negative impact, caffeine have positif impact on short-term and long-term memory. Then, caffeine may enhance athletic performance. Taking in some caffeine about an hour before you workout can improve your performance. They are some impact and benefits of caffeine.
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