The Effect of stress foe your health

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The effect of stress foe your health, Every body ever feel stress, even short lived. Minor stress can have impact to our body. We have to know that many factor cause stress, for example shock through something (e.g watching hororr film or earthquake).for chronic stress can influence your body and your mind. You will feel fatigued unable concentrate or irritable for no good reason.
The Effect of stress foe your health

Stress can be problem worse, in one of study the half of participants show improvents in chronic headache after learning. How to stop the stress -producting habit of " catastrophizing" or constantly thinking negative thought about their pain. Beside that, chronic stress also cause disease either because of changes in your body or overeating , smoking and etc. Other forms of chronic stress as depression.

So, what we can do to reducing your stress? To reduce your depression need protect your health long-term. In one of research show deeling joyful, happiness and interest through something give our positive affects. People who have possitive affect more healthy than people less positive affect.

Here some strategies to reducing stress

  • Identify what's causing your stress, you have to know what's bothering you, make a plan and write down your cause. You can ask your friends to help with household responsibilities, job assignment or other task. After that, list all your commitment, assess your priority and than elminate any tasks that are not absolutely essential.
  • Build strong relationship. One of thing causes stress is from relationship. So, you have build your relationship with your family members or close friends and let them know you are having a tough time. They may be able to solve your problem and help you to reduce your stress.
  • Walk away when you arw angry, you can do othee exercise or other phsycal activities to reduce your stress. Holiday and exercise able to increase production of endhorphine and your body's natural mood-booster
  • Rest your mind, the main cause of stress is sleepless at night. So, ensure you get seven or eight hours of shut-eye, cut back on caffeine and remove distractions such aa computera or television from your bedroom. Research shows that activity such as relaxsation can help your stress and boost immune functioning.
  • Get help, if your situation get overwhelmed you have to consult with a psychologist or other licensed mental health professional who can help you to maintance your problem and help you develop an action plan for changing them.

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