Your blood types says your health

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As we know that any several blood type human categories, A, AB, B, and O.
But , wheather every body knows that theie blood type show their healthy?
Here some explanation about blood type through your health quality.
Your blood types says your health

Blood type AB
This blood type is related to levels of certain clotting factors and to proteins in the blood. This type may increase your risk from cognitive impairment. AB blood have problems with learning or recalling list of items. While this may help explain why type ABs are more likely to develop thingking problems later in life, their excat mechanism aren't clear (Cushman). The next bad news from you are blood type B is your risk for stomach cancer roughly 26% higher than type blood B or O (American journal of epidermology)

Your blood type O may lower rusk for disease by up to 23% compared to people with other blood type. According to Harvard School of Public Health, people with blood type AB  and B were at the greatest risk for heart disease. Moreover, your blood type you are 37% lwss likely to develop pancreatic cancer than people with other blood type.

Beside that, blood type may affect brain fuctiom as we age, according to study  people with rare AB blood type present in less than 10% of the population have a higher thsn usual risk of cognitive problem as  they age.

Blood type has been linked
Blood type has been linked with a variety of mental disorders, but the associations are weak—many other factors are more important in determining who ends up with an illness. Still, the fact that a connection may exist intrigues some scientists, who hope one day to uncover the biological processes that link blood molecules to mental health, possibly improving our understanding and treatment of these illnesses.
—Victoria Stern
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